Dialog Box

In the Media

ORSIM event Been and Seen

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

19th July 2024

Virtual Volunteering initiative

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

19th July 2024

Helping to Heal Israel's Wounds

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

28th June 2024

Rabbi Glasman and Catholic Archibishop visit Gandel Rehabilitation Center in Jerusalem

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

7th June 2024

National Volunteers Week - Honour Role

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

17th May 2024

Focusing on health

Australia Jewish News (AJN)

17th May 2024

St Kilda Shule Lunch

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

16th February 2024

Hadassah's Pioneering 3D Surgery Restores Soldier's Shattered Knee

The Social Blueprint

7th February 2024

Virtual volunteering: Australian doctors making an impact

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

9th February 2024

Virtual Volunteering: Australian doctors making an impact

The Maccabean

8th February 2024

Hadassah's pioneering 3D surgery restores soldier's shattered knee

J-Wire News

5th February 2024

Gandel Centre up and running

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

2nd February 2024

Jerusalem's Gandel Rehabilitation Centre at Hadassah Mount Scopus for war wounded

The Maccabean

26th January 2024

Gandel Rehabilitation Centre in Jerusalem treating war-wounded


22nd January 2024

Hadassah recognised as Israel’s first Centre of Excellence in Cardio-oncology

The Maccabean

19th January 2024

Hadassah's Recognition

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

19th January 2024

Windows in Jerusalem

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

22nd December 2023

Hadassah-Wolper Agreement

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

22nd December 2023

Aussie medical help for Israel

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

22nd December 2023

Sculpture Exhibition Donated to Hadassah

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

1st December 2023

Simcha Snaps

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

13th October 2023

Saving Lives: Hadassah Emergency Appeal

The Maccabean

27th October 2023

Ethiopian-Israelis fill healthcare gap

The Australian Jewish News (AJN)

21st September 2023

Lunch Club

The Australian Jewish News (AJN)

28th September 2023

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre visit to Hadassah Hospital Jerusalem

The Maccabean

22nd September 2023

Driving significant social outcomes

The Maccabean

15th September 2023

A Tour of Hadassah

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

4th August 2023

Rachel and Izzy choose to help create an impact in Israel

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

23 June 2023

Dr Mark Suss: Reflections on my visit to Hadassah

The Maccabean

23 June 2023

Ethiopian Israeli Wears White Coat

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

2 June 2023

A Proud Moment for Sali

The Maccabean

2 June 2023

Hadassah's Smiling Room

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

16 February 2023  

Help Hadassah create a legacy in memory of
terror victims Natalie Ziskin & Eliyahu Mizrachi Z”L

The Maccabean

16 February 2023

A Powerful Impact

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

17 December 2022

Thanking the community

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

17 November 2022 

Hadassah Australia team visits the Hadassah-Achotenu program in Jerusalem

The Maccabean

11 November 2022 

COVID force heads for Israel

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

26 August 2022 

Centre dedicated

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

19 August 2022 

Major rehab centre dedicated in Jerusalem


15 August 2022

New rehab centre

The Jerusalem Post

9 August 2022

Hadassah-Achotenu Ethiopian-Israeli Scholarships in Health

The Shtick

15 May 2022

11 February 2022

Australia's gift to Israel

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

4 February 2022 

Boosting Ethiopian nursing numbers 

Australian Jewish News (AJN)

14 January 2022

Australian supported nurses honoured by Israel's First Lady


9 December 2021

Australian-supported nurses honoured at president's residence

The Maccabean

17 December 2021
