Dialog Box

Healing Israel's Wounds

Daniel Wein is a talented and emerging artist. An Australian born Israeli, Daniel was a long-range sniper in the IDF when he was severely wounded in Israel’s 2014 Protective Edge campaign in Gaza. I met Daniel in Melbourne in mid-June.

Gentle, quietly spoken, he reflected on the challenges of rehabilitation from severe injury – the physical and the mental. His is acutely aware of the stress being felt in Israel, as the existing acute rehabilitation infrastructure of 840 beds is overwhelmed trying to respond to the needs of the 2,000+ seriously wounded IDF soldiers in the current conflict in Gaza, as well as addressing the needs of patients recovering from stroke, motor vehicle accidents and ongoing terror incidents.

A partial answer is the accelerated completion of new facilities such as the state of the art, 140 bed Gandel Rehabilitation Center at Hadassah, Mount Scopus in Jerusalem.

Originally slated to open in early 2025, the decision was made to fast-track the first 140 beds; bringing them online in early January this year, to meet the pressing needs of the critically wounded. But, with demand significantly exceeding current capacity, Hadassah has committed to complete the construction of the needed facilities to enable the remaining 140 beds to be available as soon as possible.

This is a huge but necessary undertaking. It is one that Daniel is asking the Australian Jewish community to embrace. He cannot stress more strongly, the massive difference the availability of modern acute rehabilitation will make to the lives of all those who have fought so bravely to protect the Homeland of the Jewish People.

Hadassah Australia is committed to meeting this urgent need.  Help us complete the Gandel Rehabilitation Center. Lives depend on it.


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26 June 2024
Category: Blog